If you slack and miss out on important deadlines and also don't care about being on time then expect a rude awakening during review time. 如果你不抓紧而且耽误了重要事情的最终期限,也不在乎要准时,那么就在回顾的时候就等着严厉的警告。
Then, get up and leave your desk. Don't go slack off somewhere. Instead, keep this time focused and make the most of it. 安排一个固定的休息时间,然后起身离开你的办公桌,不要偷懒,相反,在这段时间保持专注并且充分利用它。
With substantial resource slack continuing to restrain cost pressures and longer-term inflation expectations stable, inflation is likely to be subdued for some time. 由于资源大量剩余可能继续打压成本压力,而且长期通胀预期稳定,委员会预计通胀将在一段时间内维持在较低水平。
To stockbrokers, May Day means nothing less than the abolition of the system that has enriched them in good times and pulled many of them through during long periods of market slack, Time magazine noted that year. 对于股票经纪商而言,五一劳动节的意义莫过于废除了使他们在繁荣时期更容易赚钱、在市场长期萧条时多数都能安然渡过难关的制度。当年《时代》杂志(Time)如此评论道。
You'll save the drive time and the slack time in between where, let's face it, you were just going to clean house or watch TV. 这样的话,你节省下来的时间可以用来打扫屋子或者看电视。(这是现实,我们必须得面对。)
In this paper, a flexible capacity reservation mechanism is proposed, in which slack time is added into the reservation scenario to get more flexibility of resource reservation. 针对确定性资源能力预留的“资源能力碎片”问题,提出了一种支持松弛时间的灵活资源能力预留机制,并设计了支持松弛时间的资源预留请求接纳控制算法。
Local volunteer trainers will help promote the training, and organize and lead local training sessions during slack time. 当地志愿培训师一方面帮助项目的宣传推广,一方面组织农民利用农闲时间自培训。
Business is always slack at this time of year. 每年的这个时候生意总是不景气。
Slack is the amount of time a task can be delayed without delaying the project completion date. 浮动的时间是指没有延误项目完成的任务能够被完成的时间。
Chinese fiscal spending can take up some of the slack if the global economy starts to rebound some time next year. 如果全球经济在明年某个时候开始反弹,那么中国财政支出计划还可以发挥一些弥补作用。
The difference between the pairs of start and finish dates for each task is the float or slack time for the task. 每个任务的开始和结束日期之间的差异是有浮动的。
Business investment or housing could, in principle, take up some slack, but it is hardly a propitious time for that sort of thing. 基本上,商业投资或住宅投资可以起到一定的拉动作用,但现在对这类投资来说并不是有利的时机。
They then add something for inflation, which they try to relate to the degree of slack or overheating that exists at any one time. 他们还会加入有关通胀水平的一些因素,目的是将任何时期都存在的经济疲弱或过热的程度联系起来。
Although autumn is the off-season for tourism, London is still a very expensive city to visit. February is a slack time for hotels by the sea. 虽然秋天对于伦敦来讲是淡季,但这个时候前往伦敦旅游的花费也是很贵的。二月份是海滨旅馆的淡季。
A real-time low-power strategy based on extended slack time reclaiming algorithm 一种基于增强型空闲时间回收算法的实时系统低功耗策略
Although prices of energy and commodities have risen lately, the Fed said that it expected "resource slack" to dampen prices and that inflation would remain subdued for some time. 虽然能源和大宗商品价格近期上涨,但美联储表示,它预期“资源需求松弛”将压低价格,通胀将在一段时间内处于低位。
Data grid service reliability analysis based on production& consumption model and slack time 基于生产消耗模型与松弛时间的数据网格服务可靠性研究
The slack would stay slack, possibly for a long time. 闲置的资源会继续闲置,这种情况可能会持续很长一段时间。
An Algorithm for Hardware/ Software Partitioning Using Constraint-Driven and Elimination of Slack Time 约束驱动与松弛时间消除相结合的硬/软件划分算法
Flexible Resource Capacity Reservation Mechanism for Service Grid Using Slack Time 一种基于松弛时间的服务网格资源能力预留机制
A scheduling algorithm based on combining slack time and value is presented in this paper. 提出了基于综合事务空闲时间与价值的优先级调度算法。
Back-Adjusting algorithm makes use of slack time of among nodes to optimize system design still further. 反向调节算法则是通过节点之间存在的松弛时间来对系统进行进一步的优化。
Considering that the condition of transit vehicles is dynamic and the accurate prediction of optimal slack time can ensure a good convergence of transfer routes and reduce the waiting time of passengers, the slack time prediction model is also presented. 同时考虑到公交车辆运行状况是动态的,准确预测最佳的松驰时间可以减少乘客的等待时间,因此,本文提出松驰时间预测模型。
Slack is existed in the tasks of parallel job so the proper allocation for slack time not only affects the level of power consumption but also affects the overall performance of parallel job. 并行作业中的任务可能存在松弛时间,合理的分配这些松弛时间不仅关系到集群的功耗水平,而且关系到作业的整体运行性能。
The slack time between the task finish time and deadline is then effectively eliminated by creating frequency splitting method. 通过创建频率拆分法,有效地消除了任务完成期与截止期之间的空闲时隙。
And a fault tolerant task scheduling algorithm which is a greedy algorithm is explored according to the fault model. The algorithm provides enough slack time in order to guarantee that the tasks can be re-executed once fault occurred. 该算法是一种贪婪算法,算法基于为任务提供足够的松弛时间使得任务出错后能够重新执行,并对算法进行了仿真测试。
Nowadays, there is little slack time for farmer in a year. The times has gone that the neighborhood and sisters sitting along the edge of paper cutting. 如今,农民基本上一年四季中很少有农闲的时光,曾经邻里姊妹们坐在一起边剪纸便话家常的日子一去不复返。
This algorithm can use dynamic slack time more effectively to reduce energy consumption largely. 该算法能够更有效地利用动态松弛时间进一步降低能耗。
Fault tolerance is mainly achieved by redundant design. Usually during energy saving by software techniques, slack time is the main redundancy resource. 容错主要是通过冗余设计来实现的,在软件节能调度时,用来实现容错的冗余资源主要是空闲时间。
Then the current slack time is fairly shared by two tasks. It reduces the processor speed of the processor and minimizes the energy consumption. 并通过让相邻的两个任务共享处理器上的空闲时间来降低处理器的执行速率,从而达到减少能耗的目的。